As ALWAYS, I, the breeder, have first pick of ANY litters to keep for myself.
I do have the right to refuse or cancel sale of any puppy at any time for any reason. Should I feel the need to cancel and a deposit has been made, I will refund deposit.
January 16th, 2025
Bunny & Dutton have 3 baby BOYS! All 3 "appear" to have BLUE EYES like mom!
Black Male -💙SPOKEN FOR! Congrats Liza & Kyle on your 3rd Carolina Schnauzers baby!!💙
Buff Male, BLUE EYES ($2000 PET HOME)
Liver Parti Male, BLUE EYES ($2000 PET HOME)
January 3rd, 2025
Patches is a Pebbles & Dylan baby. Dylan was out of our boy Bristol. She was bred with Dutton and we have 4 babies that were just born January 3rd, 2025. This is Patches 2nd litter.
*Wheaten GIRL -SPOKEN FOR! Congrats Ann & Jeff on your 2nd Carolina Schnauzers pup! Pyper & Frazier will be best friends!
*Buff Parti BOY -SPOKEN FOR! Congrats Beth G
*Liver Pepper Parti BOY (Natasha's BOY#1)
*Liver Pepper BOY (NaTasha's BOY#2)